
[COVID-19] Nature Taking Over City

[COVID-19] Nature Taking Over City

In our previous article, we have discussed how life is gonna change over after this worldwide pandemic of Novel Corona Virus COVID-19. If you have not read that article, we recommend you to check that out also by clicking here.
Animals on road

Mother Nature Taking Over

We know that at present the world is suffering from a worldwide pandemic which has arrested the whole world into their home. Since we are stopped, it's time for mother nature to take over once again. Where this coronavirus is taking so many human lives at the same time some reports are coming to form different sources of how nature is healing the depletion of the ozone layer.
If we talk about the changes happening in India, the rivers are getting cleaner and cleaner every day. Ganga, the holy river, has also become clean which was at times very dirty. We are dropping some of the links for in-depth information about such climate changes.

Click →→→ Ozone Depletion 
Click →→→ Ganga River Pollution

Animals on Road During Lockdown

While sitting idle and scrolling the news feed of your social media we have come across the many videos which showed up how animals are roaming on the road when humans are forced to stay at home. Below from the videos, we can see how Mother Nature has Taken Over amidst this pandemic situation. 

“CORONA; an enemy to the human race, a friend of Mother Nature Indeed.”

A nilgai has taken over the roads in Noida

Dolphins at Mumbai Marine Drive

Wild Pigs on the streets while the traffic is halted due to lockdown

Coyote on the streets of San Francisco during the coronavirus shelter in place order

  A herd of deer spotted on the roads of Tirupati India

Wildlife claiming their space

Animals on Road in Chandigarh

No disturbances for the Olive Ridley Turtle

The videos above from the different part of the world is a clear indication that Mother Nature is claiming its space in this so-called man-made world.

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