
[COVID-19] Life Before and After Corona Virus

Life Before and After Corona Virus

“CORONA; an enemy to the human race, a friend of Mother Nature Indeed.”

Corona Virus PictureIt’s all the dynamics of time, which `overpowers the governance of mighty soul. And my soul, heart, and mind have always denied accepting the poignant state which developed during this pandemic. 

I woke up this morning with silence all around but only birds were chirping. The atmosphere was all clear to and there was no traffic on the road. No no, it was not dawn I woke up at 7:00 in the morning. It’s a time when the whole world is at lockdown. 

COVID-19; Friend of Mother Nature

Amid this coronavirus (COVID-19) global lockdown, some reports from different NEWS agencies and trusted websites claim that for the first time in the last 30 years, Himalaya which is 120 miles from Jalandhar is visible. Flamingo birds are seen in Mumbai. Not only from India but from the several parts of the world the pictures have come, which shows how nature has taken over and animals are free to move on the city roads when humans are at lockdown. These are the clear indication from our mother nature shows us that if human race constraints in the boundaries, mother nature can rapidly heal itself. 

Life is stuck into four walls. Everybody is at home; children are not playing in the ground, no buses no autos nothing on the road. Only silence is at the peak. Birds are enjoying, nature is happy, but humans are terrified. Nature is taking its revenge through this pandemic. 

Nature is so unhappy that today the air is fresh and pure but still there is a mask used while breathing. 

Humans have harshly tortured nature. Now it’s the time of nature to pay back. 

Symptoms of CORONAVIRUS [COVID-19]

Symptoms of COVID-19


Even though the COVID-19 has stopped the human’s life in an outside manner but on the other hand it has taken up forward the many things which were not given importance by the human race. If we look into the situation with an affirmative approach we can learn something with this pandemic indeed. This pandemic is teaching us that life is not about finding enjoyment and luxury outside but these can be found in our own family also. And if we adopt a good lifestyle, not only we can save nature but we can help mother nature heal itself also. Moving forward, we have seen that we can stay in the comfort of our home and work without burning fuels and spending our lots of time in traffic jams resulting in the worsening of nature.


Corona will reboot the world into virtual reality, after a year we will be in a different world.
We have seen a huge population got affected. Overall worldwide record, as per Wikipedia as on 22-04-2020, data claims 25,65,059 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in which 6,86,634 has been recovered whereas 1,77,496 death recorded.

Latest Corona Virus Update ←←←←← Click on the link
The economy has bent down so fast, Oil prices dip below zero as producers forced to pay to dispose of the excess. US crude oil fell to a negative value for the first time in history as stockpiles overwhelmed storage facilities. 

If we look at the above facts and points we can understand the significance of the quote mentioned at the top:

“CORONA; an enemy to the human race, a friend of Mother Nature Indeed.”

At the end #staysafe #stayathome.

This Article is written and submitted by Asha Mishra


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