
Role of youth in preservation protection and promotion of indigenous Culture and Faith

Role of youth in preservation protection and promotion of indigenous Culture and Faith

Culture and Faith
Sarna Sthal

The above question is indeed a good question and it shows that still some people are concerned with faith and culture. However, when everybody is busy determining the role of youth we first need to focus on understanding the fact that why indigenous faith and culture are important and why it is needed to be preserved, protected and promoted. 

Culture and faith are two aspects of life where faith relies on culture and the culture depends upon the geographical conditions. Though there are many cultures in the world in this article we will discuss in context with India only because Indian culture has vast diversity. It is seen that in India the culture changes very much if you move from East to West or North to South or from one place to another.

Culture and faith, as stated in our ancient literary works or our religious books do have much-advanced logic that is still undiscovered and unstated by present-day science. Our culture includes everything that we do and the way we do things in our daily life. Culture is a social norm, it is a certain way somebody is living their life and is mostly influenced by the climatic condition or geographical condition of that particular region. And this discipline of life was set by our ancestors for the sustainability of the human race. Culture act as a thread to unite the people of society. Culture describes the customs, ideas and social behavior of the person belonging to that cultural society. Geographical borders segregate cultures and make this land a diverse cultural land.

Culture and Faith
Bihu Dance Assam
Here, we should not forget that heredity and evolution are two important terms when we move from one generation to another generation. Ancestry carries the culture i.e. our culture is the major part of what we have inherent from our ancestors. However, culture and faith may vary with time and changing situations. So now coming back to the importance of culture few points that describe its importance are:
  • Evolutionary Enlighten 
  • Knowledge Sharing
  • Safeguard future generation
  • Responsibility
  • Generosity
  • Social involvement, and could be many more. 
Further coming to the question “Why we need to preserve and promote our culture and faith?”

Culture and FaithAccording to Mendel's law of inheritance of traits, a particular body part is lost if it remains unused for generations. Similarly, if we will stop practicing our culture it would not be passed to our new generations and it will gradually disappear. Faith along with culture helps us in boosting our moral values. And if it is not passed to our coming generations they will be left clueless and could be the victim of anxiety and depression. 

From here now we can understand why we need to preserve, protect and promote our culture and faiths. And this lights up the path to determine the role of youth. Youths are the key part of our society and the future leaders of our culture and faiths. Hence, their contribution is extremely required for the preservation, protection, and promotion of our culture and faith. We need to make them a partner of our cultures and faith. Youth should also come forward and should take the initiative to understand the importance and the necessity of culture. They should also not be hesitating while practicing their culture.

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